1. 樂譜僅售予合唱團或教育機構等組織,購買時須提供組織名稱, 該名稱將作為浮水印顯示於樂譜上。
2. 樂譜的銷售方式是按授權書形式, 而非按副本數量計算。
3. 作曲家授權賦予您以下權利:
- 演奏所購買的樂譜。
- 印製最多 42 份實體樂譜,(因此無論您需要 1 份或 42 份都沒有分別)。
4. 授權書已包含首42份副本。如需額外副本,可以按每份HK$15的價格購買所需數量。請聯繫 Stevehomusic@gmail.com 安排額外購買事宜。
5. 所購買的樂譜僅供同名單一合唱團使用。。
6. 購買的樂譜內容不可有任何變更。
7. 購買後概不退款
Sales and License Terms:
1. Scores are sold only to organizations such as choirs or educational institutions. The organization's name must be provided at the time of purchase and will appear as a watermark on the score.
2. Music scores are not sold by number of copies but by license.
3. The purchased license grants you the following rights to:
4. Additional copies are required beyond the initial 42, they may be purchased for HK$15 per copy. Contact Stevehomusic@gmail.com for the extra purchases.
5. The purchased score is strictly for use by a single choir bearing the same name.
6. The contents of the purchased score cannot be altered in any way.
7. Purchases are non-refundable.