1000 HKD
我相信宇宙有一個創造萬物的神。 亦相信神 照 著 自 己 的 形 像 造 了人, 所以只有人類才俱有創作的 欲念與才能。我亦相信, 音樂也是神創造的, 而作曲者只是祂的管子器皿。對我而言, 這解釋了音樂的神奇吸引力, 解釋了為何一般人對大作曲家感到神敬. 我身為作曲者, 也往往難以理解自己所寫的, 究竟是從何以來。 在歴史中, 巴嚇是音樂巨人, 在他每一首曲後都會寫上 Soli Deo Gloria 的字句, 意思是一切榮耀歸於神, 可能他覺得自己也只是神的管子器皿而已。
I believe that there is a Creator who made all things in the universe. I also believe that God created mankind in His own image, which is why only humans possess the desire and ability to create. I believe that music, too, is a creation of God, and composers are merely His instruments. For me, this explains the mysterious allure of music and why people feel such reverence for great composers. As a composer, I often find it difficult to understand where the music I write truly comes from. In history, Bach was a musical giant, and after each of his works, he would write the phrase Soli Deo Gloria, meaning "Glory to God alone." Perhaps he, too, felt that he was merely an instrument of God's will.