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就算近致70年代, 科學家仍在爭論, 到底宇宙是否永恆不變, 沒始沒終. 這30多年來, 科技一日千里, 今日大多數的科學家都肯定了這宇宙是在13.7億年前由一個大爆發 (Big Bang)誔生而來的. 令科學家費解的是, 宇宙是從一點極微小的空間 - 名 Singularity - 爆發而成, 而宇宙從爆發開始致今天仍是在不斷擴展, 擴張速度在7億年開倒向不斷加快, 科學家稱這神秘擴張力為Dark Energy. 另外費解的是, 在singularity 那刻之前, 到底是有甚麼呢?
Even as recently as the 1970s, scientists were still debating whether the universe was eternal and unchanging, without a beginning or an end. Over the past 30 years, science has progressed rapidly, and today, most scientists agree that the universe began about 13.7 billion years ago with a Big Bang. What remains perplexing to scientists is that the universe originated from an incredibly small point in space, known as Singularity, and that since the Big Bang, it has been expanding continuously. The rate of this expansion has been increasing over the last 7 billion years, a phenomenon that scientists have dubbed Dark Energy. What remains a mystery, however, is what existed before the moment of Singularity.