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噯姑乘 (新版荔灣搖籃曲) (普通話) (SA) - Liwan Lullaby (level 3)

『噯姑乖, 嫁后街, 后街又有鮮魚鮮肉買。鮮花戴,戴唔曬,丟落牀頭畀個老鼠拉....』, 這是我小時聽媽媽唱過的。 廣東搖籃曲, 除了『月光光』以外, 我就只識 得『嗳姑乖』. 而外國最出名的搖籃曲, 就是 Brahms' Lullaby. 心想, 為何搖擺可令嬰兒入睡呢? 無論如何, 世上的父母, 似乎都俱有搖擺的天性, 一抱起新生, 便很自然地搖擺, 噯著小孩入睡。 這個輕輕搖擺的節奏, 就是此曲的動力源泉;輕輕的搖擺, 綿綿不絕, 大低是要給半睡的小孩感覺到, 爸媽未有離開, 可安心入睡吧。

This is a Cantonese lullaby I heard my mother sing when I was young: "Ayi guai, jia hou jie, hou jie you xian yu xian rou mai. Xian hua dai, dai m sha, diu lo chuang tou bei ge lao shu la..." Along with "Yue Guang Guang," this is the only lullaby I knew from my childhood. The most famous lullaby internationally is Brahms' Lullaby. I often wondered, why does a gentle sway help babies fall asleep? It seems that all parents have an instinctive nature to rock their child to sleep. When holding a newborn, swaying comes naturally. This gentle rocking rhythm becomes the driving force of the song, meant to comfort the child, ensuring they feel that their parents are still near, allowing them to peacefully fall asleep.