2000 HKD
記得見過有一幅掛畫,題名是《Footprints in the Sand》。畫中有一行足印留在沙灘上,旁邊有一段詩詞,大概說:「昨晚夢見他自己一生走過的路程呈現成兩行足印,是因為與神同行。可是,在最難行的日子中就只見到一行足印。於是他便質問神說,為何在他最困難的日子裡,卻只剩下他一人孤獨的前行!誰知這一行不是自己的足印,而是神留下來的!原來在這些日子裡,神抱着他行過去。」
In this song, rainy days symbolize the challenging moments in life.
I recall a painting titled Footprints in the Sand, depicting a single line of footprints on a beach, accompanied by a poem. The poem describes a person dreaming of their life journey as two sets of footprints, representing walking with God. However, during the most difficult times, only one set of footprints appears. Troubled, the person questions why God abandoned them during their hardest days. Surprisingly, God reveals that the single set of footprints is His—He was carrying them through those moments.
The song In the Rain is a hymn of praise, reminding us to worship God through sunshine and rain, trusting in His unwavering presence.