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功課圓舞曲 (普通話) Homework Waltz (SA) Level 2 (初中級)

看過一個醫學專題節目, 名 The Mind Of The Composer. 願來科學家從腦素描知道, 音樂演奏者需要同時間運用腦中多處部位(multi-tasking)才可奏出音樂, 所以認為學習樂器, 有助腦部發展. 在進一部研究, 他們把一位英國著名創作歌首 Sting 放入 MIR進行 腦素描,  素描過程中邀請他即場進行作曲. 科學家觀察現場素描顯示之下, 為之一震. 見 Sting 一開始創作, 整過腦素描畫面都不停地閃亮起紅光, 有如烟花爆炸, 表示正個腦袋都是在運行.  原來致今, 要達到同一時間動用這麼多的腦部功能, 暫時發現, 只有作曲這個技能! 小時我自己經常問, 為何要讀書, 學數有計數機, 學歴史有圖書館, 好似沒有一樣東西成長後真的用得著. 但據以上的腦素描結果推斷, 讀書, 計數, 寫字, 檜畫這些一切一切, 都是迫使腦部不同部位作運動, 有助整個腦部發展.  若手臂肌肉要發達, 要練掌上壓, 要腦部發達, 看來沒有別的方法了, 倒還是要面對功課測驗吧! 致於 功課測驗到 這首歌, 不應誤視為含有負面意義, 其實它對功課忙壓力大的同學, 給以機會舒緩途徑, 將壓力化歌聲, 盡情唱出!

I once watched a medical documentary called The Mind of the Composer. In the show, scientists explained how musicians engage multiple areas of the brain simultaneously when performing music, which supports the idea that learning an instrument helps brain development. In a further study, they had famous British songwriter Sting undergo an MRI brain scan while composing music on the spot. The scientists were shocked to see the scan light up in brilliant red, resembling fireworks, as Sting composed. It showed that composing music is the only skill currently known to require the simultaneous use of so many brain functions.

When I was young, I often wondered why we need to study. With calculators for math, libraries for history, it seemed there was nothing I’d truly use later in life. However, according to the brain scans, studying, counting, writing, and drawing are all activities that stimulate different parts of the brain, contributing to its overall development. Just like how our arm muscles need exercise like push-ups to develop, our brains require activities that challenge and stimulate it. And as for homework and exams, though they may seem burdensome, they serve to help students strengthen their brains. In fact, for students under pressure from homework, this song offers a way to relieve that stress, transforming it into a song that can be joyfully sung out loud!